Saturday, May 20, 2006

Trading style

Daily Result: £24.48

Had a quick go at the Acasuso Stepanek semi today before heading out for a round of golf. Had my parents coming round for dinner in the early evening too so had to get some cleaning and foody stuff done with Emma.

Tennis matches where the underdog gets an early break (like Stepanek today) are usually great for trading. The in-game swings on the original underdog's service games are larger than usual. But I've noticed since I started keeping this blog my trading style has become a little more cautious and I've not been capitalising so much on them. I think it's partly to do with my starting bank and what I'm saving towards.

Still, a profit is a profit and I guess there's no harm in being more risk averse. Just not as profitable either. I've always taken the view that small steady profits are the best way forward so I guess I've shifted a little closer to smaller steadier profits!! Well, here's hoping anyway. It can, of course, all still go more than a little bit wrong.

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