Sunday, October 01, 2006

Indian Challenger series

Daily Result: £17.11

With so little televised cricket and tennis I ended up taking a break and also a Betfair points holiday over the last week. Didn't fancy the various Eurosport tennis offerings and the confusion about which tennis matches Betfair was putting in running, combined with the crack of dawn match start times, means I skipped the Sky games too. Took the opportunity to catch up on some other work.

Wasn't going to get involved in this India A (Blue) v India B (Red) match today but wanted to watch some just to get a grip on the conditions etc in India in time for the start of the Champions Trophy on Saturday. In the end I felt the prices were just so wrong I bit the bullet and messed around for some small stakes. I swear at one point I laid 2.12 on India Blue at the same time someone was asking for a few £k on India Red at 1.6! Crazy market at times!! Bobbed in and out for 30 minutes or so winning and losing on a few trades but was more interested in other stuff and in the end settled down for my Sunday afternoon fix of Columbo!

Shame in a way as India Red managed to pull off the win so the match must have got even better to trade than the small time I spent messing around in it. Not that bothered though. Hadn't intended to get involved at all really so will take any green. Plenty of matches later this month so hope it turns into a profitable few weeks.

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